
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

E-mail import from Access using Delphi

As part of Project Management in a award IV in IT, our project team was postulate to perform a database that would simplify the work of one of the t apieceers at the cured college I was attending. The database consisted of five tables being schoolchilds, Student Interests, Interests, Position Interests and Positions. The database was retain-to doe with on care sufficienty chosen interests. For lucidity I give not go into any flesh out here. Once the database had been completed, the teacher wished to have a sort of automatic pistol contact easy for short letters that were available for students to apply for (again by interest). A query was exported to a file containing the palm relevant to the position including the student name and the details of the position. Delphi ontogeny arose when I requisite to read the exported semi-colon-delimited text file and exile it into a unmortgaged e-mail and automatically send each e-mail. The main reckon for the Delphi program f ollows and is available to modify and rehearse by otherwise Delphi developers if they have a database of contacts that they wish to e-mail. I also apologize for the non-standard naming of the components. { Mailer unit follows. } unit mailer; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, NMpop3, StdCtrls, Psock, NMsmtp, Mask, ComCtrls, Math, Menus, ExtCtrls, Registry; character reference TForm1 = class(TForm) Mailer: TNMSMTP; Memo1: TMemo; ReplyToLbl: TLabel; ReplyToEdit: TEdit; StatusBar: TStatusBar; BCCLbl: TLabel; BCCText: TMemo; OpenDialog: TOpenDialog; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; File1: TMenuItem; OpenListForBCCAddresses1: TMenuItem; Connect1: TMenuItem; Account1: TMenuItem; EditAccountDetails1: TMenuItem; Bevel1: TBevel; Panel1: TPanel; Label3: TLabel; MyListBox: TListBox; procedure CheckerConnectionFailed(Sender: TObject); procedure EditAccountDetails1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Connect1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure OpenL istForBCCAddresses1Click(Sender: TObject); p! rocedure AddStrings(S: String); semiprivate { toffee-nosed declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; i: Integer; Count: Integer; EAD: Boolean; implementation uses vizor; {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.CheckerConnectionFailed(Sender: TObject);... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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